• Decentralised Identity

    Selective data disclosure for the purpose

    the platform to provide confidence to Issuers and Verifiers
    DiD for the holder to present zero knowledge proof

    Discover more to adopt the change!

  • Transform the future of Businesses

    Embrace DLT platform for security and growth ...

  • Aim to be Interoperable

    with the existing Ecosystem to bring value

    provide the time bound access to selective permissioned data

We Transform Businesses

At INCRREDA, we are passionate about helping businesses to fulfil their potential by encouraging them to embrace the innovative and disruptive Blockchain DLT technology platforms. We have been working continuously on most demanding use cases in industries - Trade Finance, P2P Energy Trading & Healthcare. It would optimise existing infrastructure estate to support the growing business demand and bring operational cost significantly down for medium and large businesses.

The solutions we built are secured, trusted, efficient and compliant with national and international data protection law to protect individual's personal and personal sensitive data where applicable. Distributed and permission-based ledger transactions with end to end traceability create a unique platform for businesses to trust and adopt the innovative way of solving business problems that haven't been possible without.

Discover more - what we could do for your business to bring the running cost down, allow you to focus on strategic roadmap and increase profit significantly over a period of time. We would love to hear from you and start the journey.


Interchange information securely
among participants


Trusted by participants to invoke
the transaction


Real-time transactions for fast
approvals without any delay


Complaint in place with the data
protection and privacy law

We collaborate with INATBA
INCRREDA established the direct communication channel to the international government bodies, consortiums and leading private companies who have been participating actively to develop policies & governance around Blockchain technology.

Distributed Ledger Technology brings the Innovation

Defining In Association with

European Digital
SME Alliance

Global Observatory on

EU Blockchain
Observatory & Forum

Blockchain Italia

Use Cases in the Portfolio

  • Trade Finance

    Transformational ecosystem of trust which will enable banks, suppliers, buyers and transportation organisations across the world to collaborate and trade efficiently & effectively.  

  • P2P Energy Trading

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading is based on an interconnected platform underpinned by blockchain, that serves as an online marketplace where consumers and producers ‘meet’ to trade electricity directly.  

  • Supply Chain

    End to end traceability of goods eliminates counterfeit ingestion in supply chain, help you to maintain integrity with customers on sales and increases customer satisfaction, sought at priority.  

  • Healthcare - EHR

    Healthcare EHR brings patients, practitioners and healthcare organisations together to exchange patient's medical data on acceptance of consent to share, in line with the data protection law.  

and growing ...

Find more, what we could do for your business ? Contact Us